On May 28-29th I attended TestingCup conference in Łódź. Having quite unique perspective: this was my second year in row as a Speaker at this conference I want to share some thoughts on the event. Dust has settled, lets go! Championship Originally TestingCup is a software testing championship . Wait, what? Yes, the formula is unique: teams and individuals from all around Poland are competing in finding the most bugs and defects in specially prepared application - Mr. Buggy . I don’t have specific data, but since this year’s conference was all english I guess competitors were not only from Poland. As a spectator, I must say that the whole competition looked very professional. There were team shirts and names, podium and trophies (gold cup and cash). Some cons? Testing championship is held at the first day of the conference. So this is already a conference, but if you’re not taking part in the championship… there’s not much to do, since all the talks are ...